Application for Online Enrolment
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Luke’s Catholic Parish School. Please find the link below to your child's online application for enrolment.
You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form. We will then contact you regarding the next steps.
If applying for enrolment for more than 1 student, when the form is completed there will be an option available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.
Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.
Online Enrolment Application
Enrol here
In addition to the completed online application for your child, a number of supporting documents will also be needed. Please forward copies of the following:
Birth Certificate

Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
- Last two school reports and NAPLAN report(s) (as applicable)
Any medical or learning reports
And if noted in your application:
- Legal Documentation
- Medical Action Plan
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Luke’s (2023)
- Student Specialist Assessments
- Visa details
Documentation may be returned via:
Post: 45 Degen Road, CAPALABA QLD 4157
In person: 45 Degen Road, CAPALABA QLD 4157
Please Note: submission of an application does not guarantee an enrolment place.
What Happens Next?
After lodging an Enrolment Application, you will receive an email verifying lodgement of your application.
The enrolment process involves the sharing of information between the family and the school so that an informed decision can be made about the child’s entry into St Luke’s Catholic Parish School.
Enrolment Policy
St Luke’s Catholic Parish School will be a welcoming community for those desiring to live Gospel values in the Catholic Tradition. Those eligible for enrolment include members of St Luke’s worshipping community and Catholics within the parish. Further places will be offered to Catholics beyond the Parish boundary. Families of children with older brothers and sisters already in the school are given first consideration. Other applications will be considered on their own merit.
Children will need to be five by 30 June in the year they start in the preparatory year class.