At St Luke's, our holistic approach to teaching and learning caters for each child academically, physically, culturally, and their social and emotional development. St Luke's encourages all students to make the most of their time at school and become actively invovled in a variety of activities within the community.
Academic Competitions/Opportunities
The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills based assessments with a competition element. ICAS is a comprehensive suite of academic assessments for Primary students. Assessment areas include English, Maths, Science, Digital Technology and Writing. Further information is included in newsletters and can be found on this link ICAS assessments.
The students in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in the Bebras Australia Computational Thinking Challenge. Bebras is aligned with and supports the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Computational thinking enables us to analyse and develop solutions to complex problems and then use technology to create or innoavate new processes and solutions. Further information is included in newsletters and can be found on this link Bebras.
During Science Week the students in Years 2-6 can participate in the St Luke's Science Fair. Students will present their Science Fair entry to all students, family members and special Scienctific guests.
Students in Years 2-6 are able to nominate to participate in Passion Projects presented in Term 4. Passion Projects are voluntary and desigend to enrich and extend children who demonstrate or have the potential to excel in one or more areas across the curriculum. There is a strong emphasis on Literacy, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through Inquiry, discovery learning and problem solving. Passion Projects are designed for students who are self-motivated and wish to deepen their learning.
Students in Years 2-6 are welcome to join the school Choir which rehearses each week with a variety of songs. The Choir learns pacing, harmony, breathing and pitch. These skills are put into practice as they perform at school events.
Sport Training
During Cross Country (Term One) and Athletics (Term Two) seasons are provided the opportunity to practice and prepare for the school, Zone and District carnivals. Practice occurs twice per week before school.
Metropolitan East/District Competitions and Trials
Our students are able to further follow their sporting talents and interests by trialling for District teams in a wide variety of sports. District trials and teams are managed through the Physical Education Specialist Teacher and posted on the Sports Noticeboard under the Emmaus Centre.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming awareness lessons occur in Term 4 each year for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2. These lessons are held at the indoor pool at Sheldon College.
Students in Yrs 3-6 participate in the school swimming carnival at the end of Term 3 each year. Students have the opportunity from our carnival to participate in District or Catholic Zone swimming carnivals.
Other sporting and cultural opportunities are available throughout the year, on a user pay basis, with information available in the school newsletter. These include: Chess, Auskick (AFL), Netball, Dance (Sport Aerobics), and Football (soccer).
Instrumental Music Program
B Sharp Music offers private lessons during school hours for guitar, piano and singing. Lessons are 30 minutes in duration. If you are interested in participating in this program, please express your interest by going to and clicking on Contact Us. Students will be offered places according to the date they expressed interest. We look forward to being able to provide the students of St Luke's the opportunity to learn and grow through music.

Image used with permission from B Sharp Music ©